Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dear Amanda,

my phone is officially dead.

i'm going to have a funeral for it.
i have to.
it makes me so sad.
especially when i don't have the bucks to replace it yet.

i want to beckon it back from the grave..and say, "don't you know i'm relying on you!?? you need to last one more week!!!"

but i can't.

so i'm, in simple terms, Toast.

hahahahahha. we'll see what happens.
i'll keep you updated.

i kinda feel like i've been trying too hard at i'm going to be 'that girl who tries too hard'which, i do NOT want to be.
oh well, whatever.

it is the perfect beach day today. i think i might go, right after i dye my hair, because believe it or not, it's growing out. haha. who knew hair does that??

i love you.

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