Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dear Amanda,

TODAY IS THE DAYY!!!!!!!!!!!
what would i do without you and your house to keep me occupied?
and, hahah, i almost came over at midnight last night.
but then i thought...that might be weird.
then i realized that it totally wouldn't have been.

and now i am really really excited. because i am just an excited person in general.

sooooo. how has your day been so far? mine has been quite entertaining.
we worked for a very long time on the church [we had a work day instead of staff devos this morning]
and i'm pretty sure that at 1:00 in our meeting with Manny we're going to get into trouble for all the things we've been screwing up in for the last week or two.
Seriously, we're all pretty much exhausted, and i feel like all we're trying to do is stay out of i don't feel like i'm accomplishing anything else.
HAHAHAHHAHAH let me just tell you what happened as i was typing that.
Ashley walks in and says, i want to apologize for snapping at you this morning, but you were looking at a paper, and then pastor greg said not to look at it, so you put it down but you kept looking at it, then i told you not to look at it, but you kept looking at it... and i just felt like you disrespected me, Pastor Greg, Global Passion and Hillside.

hahahhahahaha my point has been proven, oh so perfectly.

i love you and i can't wait to see you tonight!!!!!

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