Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dear Amanda.

First of all, I'd like to point out that I suck at life because I'm going to bed right now and I haven't memorized any of my scripture that's due tomorrow.

I think that I'm just going to make a little list of observations that I've made recently.

1. I've kinda been keeping a secret from you....I've been messing up a lot recently which has just made me feel like crap, like all the time.

2. I'm almost 100% sure that I am in shock and denial about leaving

3. I HATE reading one of my closest friend back home's blog because it just shows how life has moved on and other people have found their way into significant parts of her heart.... And yet I spent a good chunk of time reading it tonight, torturing myself, I guess trying to prepare myself for what is to come.

4. It really bugs me when people are super stressed and they show it / lash out at people and refuse to do other things that are required even though everyone else has the same amount of things to do, if not more.

5. I don't really like deep fried ice cream

6. I really like that old spice commercial.

7. I think that Danielle has the gift of leading people to the lord (evangelism?) because she seriously leads someone to God like everywhere we go. It's cool.

Alright, I'm exhausted

I'm going to miss you a lot. Don't make me leave! :(


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