Friday, July 16, 2010

Dear Amanda,

I have been working, working, working, working, working, because all of my major electronics have crashed in the last two weeks????? ridiculous.

i'm proud to report that i REALLY am a leader at my youth group, and i absolutely love it.

i have been incredibly creative recently...making pillows and blankets, and redecorating frames.. i'm just trying to get my room done in a wallet efficient manner... so i'm making stuff myself :) like who wants to spend 10 bucks on pillow cases when you have fabric and a sewing machine?? haha. good times.

oh and i met maria and sarah at the airport and got to see them for like 5 minutes!!!
the drive was worth it. i'm so proud of them.
and, i can't believe sam and tasha leave in like 3 weeks!!!!
exciting stuff.

i love you so much.
miss you a lot.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dear Amanda,

I have two words:
Pepto Bismol.

and i have 4 hours at red robin this week. how ridiculous.

i love you.

Dear Amanda,

How have i not posted in so long? geez.
so literally, i have been working. sunday was... the fourth of july! umm, i went to a bbq, and then i watched fireworks from the balcony on my friend's house who lives in huntington beach. that was fun.
then monday and tuesday i worked at the silver store all day long.. so nothing really exciting to report, except that one of my really good friends is moving to Oregon, and she came to visit me for the last time on tuesday. that was super depressing. Then, yesterday i worked at red robin, and then met the wyatts in newport! that was fun. and oh yea, i threw in my appplication at starbucks. that would be nice if i got that. really.
and, fun above everything else, i got 2 overdraw fees from for my stupid phone bill and one for a check for tithe..that WOULD have gone through if the phone bill hadn't come early. soooooo lame.
that's life though, right?
so right now..i'm off to work. and then tomorrow i work at red robin, and tomorrow i get to help out with the LOCK the youth group. which means, BROOMBALL!!!!! my Favorite thing in the ENTIRE world. literally. i would do it all the time if i could.

miss you and love you.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Dear Amanda,

i almost got fired from surfside silver today...
and i realized that i have been doing a pretty crappy job there.
that made me feel good about myself.
i'm supposed to take the weekend and just relax and have some fun, and monday i'm going to prove myself.

Last night my friend was finally able to a adopt a little egyptian baby. how exciting is that?

i love you.
i wish i just had $150 to come and randomly visit for a week.
someday. when you least expect it. hahaha.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Dear Amanda,

I totally had a dream about you last night.
i was in napa, or somewhere, and somehow i had lost my car.. but i wanted to visit you so bad that i started walking, then i decided to hitch hike...but then this car came up and i almost got in, but it looked shady, so i said never mind, and they ran over my foot.. and i asked someone which way the 29 was... and they pointed me in a direction, and i walked for a while and i found my dad's car with the key in it.. and it was right in front of a house that your family was in, but it wasn't your house. it was ssoooo strange.
really. weird.

anyway, i think my subconscious is saying something.
mmiss ya.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dear Amanda,

my phone is officially dead.

i'm going to have a funeral for it.
i have to.
it makes me so sad.
especially when i don't have the bucks to replace it yet.

i want to beckon it back from the grave..and say, "don't you know i'm relying on you!?? you need to last one more week!!!"

but i can't.

so i'm, in simple terms, Toast.

hahahahahha. we'll see what happens.
i'll keep you updated.

i kinda feel like i've been trying too hard at i'm going to be 'that girl who tries too hard'which, i do NOT want to be.
oh well, whatever.

it is the perfect beach day today. i think i might go, right after i dye my hair, because believe it or not, it's growing out. haha. who knew hair does that??

i love you.