Friday, July 2, 2010

Dear Amanda,

I totally had a dream about you last night.
i was in napa, or somewhere, and somehow i had lost my car.. but i wanted to visit you so bad that i started walking, then i decided to hitch hike...but then this car came up and i almost got in, but it looked shady, so i said never mind, and they ran over my foot.. and i asked someone which way the 29 was... and they pointed me in a direction, and i walked for a while and i found my dad's car with the key in it.. and it was right in front of a house that your family was in, but it wasn't your house. it was ssoooo strange.
really. weird.

anyway, i think my subconscious is saying something.
mmiss ya.

1 comment:

  1. well, we are a pretty amazing family. I can't imagine that your subconscious WOULDN'T try to tell you things about us.
