Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dear Amanda,

How have i not posted in so long? geez.
so literally, i have been working. sunday was... the fourth of july! umm, i went to a bbq, and then i watched fireworks from the balcony on my friend's house who lives in huntington beach. that was fun.
then monday and tuesday i worked at the silver store all day long.. so nothing really exciting to report, except that one of my really good friends is moving to Oregon, and she came to visit me for the last time on tuesday. that was super depressing. Then, yesterday i worked at red robin, and then met the wyatts in newport! that was fun. and oh yea, i threw in my appplication at starbucks. that would be nice if i got that. really.
and, fun above everything else, i got 2 overdraw fees from for my stupid phone bill and one for a check for tithe..that WOULD have gone through if the phone bill hadn't come early. soooooo lame.
that's life though, right?
so right now..i'm off to work. and then tomorrow i work at red robin, and tomorrow i get to help out with the LOCK the youth group. which means, BROOMBALL!!!!! my Favorite thing in the ENTIRE world. literally. i would do it all the time if i could.

miss you and love you.

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