Friday, April 9, 2010

Dear Amanda,

So i've been thinking about your predicament [being stuck in the house all day long, all the time]
So i've come up with a list of things for you to do/try to entertain you.

1. try and lick your elbow
2. see how long you can hold a note.
3. count how many times your children run from wall to wall before they get tired of it.
4. try and swallow your tongue.
5. perfect your [insert favorite actress/actor here] impression.
6. watch tv, and repeat everything said with an italian accent.
7. step off a curb with your eyes closed and pretend you are falling off a cliff.
8. make prank phone calls. [don't forget to block your number]
9. see how long you can gargle water. is it harder with soda?
10. close your eyes and pretend you are in your favorite place in the world.
11. write me a note :)
12. dye your hair
13. dye your child's hair.
14. instead of folding laundry teach your children how to do it, but make it a game. Laundry monopoly anyone?
15. photo shoot! [that's what timer was invented for, right?]
16. teach yourself how to juggle.
17. have a lemonade stand
18. read a dictionary [improve your vocabulary for fun!]
19. learn how to make an origami swan
20. peanut butter smores. enough said.
21. try to catch 25 grapes in your mouth, one by one, in a row.
22. dye your hair with kool aid
23. frozen chocolate covered banana pops. mmmmmmm.
24. have a stay awake a thon. you would be pro at this.
25. laugh 400 times today. keep count.

do it.

love you!

1 comment:

  1. As fun as that list is, I find it nearly impossible to accomplish even one item on it, as my children don't let me do things of my own choosing. I am basically a slave to them at this point. We could make a new list ofore practical activities, such as:
    1.change diapers
    2. get pooped on
    3. administer medicine
    4. get spit up on
    5. be cried at for no apparent reason
    6. preside over any and all sibling squabbles
    7. Bathe fevery kid in tepid water which makes them cry and shiver
    8. Watch Sesame Street on a loop all day with intermissions of Sponge Bob for Olivia
    9. Clean furniture, floor, clothing and victim of vomit, poop, spit-up
    10.try to equally love on each of my three girls so no one feels left out.

    Bonus round:
    get 2 minutes alone in the bathroom
    wash clothes
    brush teeth
    eat a meal at it's appropriate temperature
    be a functional person
    clean house

    By the way, I'm able to make this list thanks to my phone, which only requires one free thumb.
