Friday, April 30, 2010

Dear Amanda,

Hello. I am in the middle of packing and I feel like even though I've been working for 2 straight hours I have gotten close to nothing done. And I have finally gotten that knot deep in the pit of my stomach which makes me think I'm finally starting to realize that I'm leaving and all that entails.I'm really excited because I picked out a necklace that I think each of the interns would like and I'm going to give it to them. Unfortunately when I brought things up here every time I came back from socal I didn't even consider what he'll it would be like trying yo pack it all into the like two bags and 3 boxes that I have and then throwing everything else into trash bags. Fun times. So I'm sitting here, typing to you and strategizing. Well, I guess I should get back to work I have lots to do... And I have to figure out how to get my car fixed today???? And I have no idea how in the world to do that. Yay!!!

I love you.

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