Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dear Amanda,

I've actually been thinking about keeping an online journal for the time that I'm in the Philippines. I know, ridiculous, the idea of me giving up something tangible and handwritten to get my aggravation/excitement/everything out. There are pros and cons..like for example, i can type a lot faster than i write. And, if i just do it on this blog then i won't have to worry about anyone but you reading it.. and you could make me a book of my own thoughts. But then, at the same time, seriously, journals are soooo cute. and, there's just something about having a full book that is full of handwritten pages. it reminds me that there was another person on the other side of that book, putting effort and endless hours documenting thoughts and feelings. you know? so it's a toss up.
I have always wanted to write an autobiography. Why not right?
It is actually in my personal opinion that everyone should have a biography about themselves. Because everyone is interesting.... and everyone deserves to be written about.

my thoughts for the day.

love you!

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