Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dear Amanda,

I'm taking your advice.
I don't think i realized how calming it is to not have to do anything really, and to have an empty house to do it in. My worship music is blaring, and I am in the middle of cleaning my room. I really think that i will end up cleaning out some of my closet today too. And then I'll mail stuff up to Courtney Wyatt and Jaclyn because they called dibs? haha.


So currently I am at that stage of cleaning up where you're almost done, but the last things you have to pick up just seem like boulders and a huge pain to put away. I hate this part. I'm losing juice. ahahaha...didn't get my glass of apple juice last night...maybe that's why. haha

love you!

1 comment:

  1. So, how was your day off? :) At one point today I thought, "I wonder if Dorri's coming over tonight." And then I remembered. So sad.

    I hope your day was better than yesterday. I love you.
