Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dear Amanda,

i am currently ditching a very long, quite amusing/ridiculous talent show.

Really. check out that video that i texted you again.

I'm really tired. but i think i'm going to get up and work out before i drive the 45ish minutes to Hillside tomorrow morning... especially because i caught a glimpse of myself in a swimsuit today, and if THAT's not motivation, i don't know what is. haha

So i'm pretty sure that today Cody removed me from being his friend on FB [or he could have earlier, i just didn't notice til today] and i'm pretty sure he's not planning on acknowledging what happened to anyone. which could explode in his and my face, or could be perfect. who knows. i guess it's a shock when people act on their hatred...even if you already know that they hate you.

life seems to be passing by very slowly. not that i'm looking forward to anything, but, you know? idk.

i'm so sorry that you are sick. i hate being sick. it's the worst. i can't even imagine being sick with children.

i love you.
reallly. with all my heart.

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