Monday, May 3, 2010

Dear Amanda,

So today has been extremely weird.
Because it's true, I'm in southern California, and i'm doing all the things that i've ever done in southern california, but i kinda feel like i'm just wandering around and not doing anything useful. Like, i just feel very mopey. The people who i was so looking forward to hang out with, i wasn't excited about.
i don't know. it was kinda pathetic.

So today i had a taste of a burban slushy and i watched knocked up.
two totally anti everything fuel things. and it was just, ehh. you know? I totally just feel like i have no personality, and no aim or purpose.

So Manuel asked me for the message that Brent sent to me in response to what i had asked him... and i had never said anything to Manny about that message...i wonder if Jaclyn or Angie did. so i sent it to him.

i'm excited that you're getting a dress made for you.
did you ever figure out whether you can send the other one back or not?

i think i have to clean out my closet...soon. because all my stuff can't be unpacked because there's not enough room.

Napa feels like a dream. I've been thinking about it all day long. i guess i'm just feeling really lonely.
what's really strange to me is that i haven't really broken down about it yet... like i've only cried a couple tears this whole time. but i just feel really wrecked up inside

i'm sorry about how depressing this post is.
i promise it will get better soon.

i just don't know what to do about it.

i love you.

1 comment:

  1. It's totally fine to be mopey! I give you full permission. For the last 8 months every moment of your life has been planned out. No only are you going to learn how to guide your time and life, but you're also completely drained in evry way. My suggestion: take an entire day to recoup. Don't go to see anyone. Don't schedule doing anything other than hang out withGod. Let him have some time to just fill you and love on you. Turn on some worship songs and clean your room. Or just sit there and take it all in. You've been thrown back into a familiar place that's completely foreign. Take a little time to adjust.

    I love you and I can't wait to see God unravel his plans for you!
