Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dear Amanda,

So i had a very full day yesterday.
First of all, I finished cleaning my room [but, there is a secret stash of clean laundry sitting in the dryer that i'm trying to avoid having to squeeze into my closet.] and the worst part about that is, that i just got rid of 2 trashbags of clothes. and i found a jacket that is super cute that i think would fit you. We'll find out. You might think it's really ugly. haha.
So i went roller blading like i said and i totally got sunburnt. Then i ended up helping with choreography for the play that's on the same weekend as Angie and Manny's wedding, then i just hung out with drama people for a little bit.. then i went to my youth group.

And seriously, ok, when i came into the youth group i remembered why i love it here, because i love the kids in my youth group. i really do. i love them. And if anything is worth living for down here, it's them.
So i spent the night at my friend Erica and Emily's house last night and then i met my friend whitney for breakfast. and it's cool because Whitney has been one person who has actually asked me if i missed people and things in Napa and it actually was a breath of fresh air like, someone recognized that i have feelings.

so now i am applying for jobs online, looking for a good cheap flight and watching The Devil wears Prada on my new little super old 13inch tv i have in my room :)

oh yea,
if i get the flight, i'm going to be here Saturday morning and i will leave monday night.
but i think i'm going to keep it a secret if i do get the tickets so don't say anything to anyone. especially angie.

i love you.
i miss you a lot.

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