Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dear Amanda,

My ex-boss and his wife are trying to get me to work with them this summer at the silver store.
And so this man, Tony George..who i despise and made my life hell for the last summer, slightly reminiscent of a certain John Hall, has joined facebook just to taunt me and convince me to work with him.

i don't know what to do. every time i see his name i get aggravated.
but, he's offering me a job. a life-sucking, horrible job. but a job.


1 comment:

  1. I hope your day got better. As far as the job goes, pray about it. Be honest with God and wait on his answer. Continue to put yourself out there in whatever way possible. And if you don't hear anything, maybe that's God speaking. Fast. You know God speaks when you fast.

    I love you. Just take it one day at a time. God already knows the answers. He's just waiting for you to be ready for them. :)
