Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dear Amanda,

In the best interest of not violating my parole again like i have the last two nights, i took my computer and put it in the living room.

And, I have decided that i am going to learn how to play the piano.
So i have been practicing, a song called "irish jig". it just might be the most horrible song in the world, made worse by my intensely awful musical skills. Let's just say, my mother is probably very glad that she is deaf. haha

So anywho. my whole family is sick in some way or another...i'm trying to stay out of the way of all the germs. yuck.

omg! so my best friends came home from scotland the other day and i got to hang out with them last night and it was sooo fun. Their names are Megan and Katelyn...let's see if i have a picture of them...

they're twins.
and now that they're almost 22...they drink beer... like all the time. but not getting drunk, just like drinking it at meals. which makes them smell weird. haha

ummm and one of my guy friends wants me to go to the beach with him this weekend.
we're just friends, and i really don't think anything would happen... but it's probably not smart, huh.

i love you.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for girl friends. Boo for drinking. Yay for the beach and being just friends with boys. Boo for going to the beach with a guy that's "just a friend".

    I'm proud of your self imposed computer rules. Way to be proactive!

    I love you.
