Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dear Amanda,

this is like the 8th time this has happened!!!!!!
i write this whole dang thing out..
then the internet freaking erases it!!!!!
this is why i am saving up for a new computer!!!
sooo frustrating!
you deserve to know what's happening in my life!!!!

so in short:

-jesus time=good
-parole officer wise = messed up once, it hurt. it won't happen again.
-the dog broke her leg=she was pathetic. we called her tripod.
-red robin=LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!! LOVE IT!!! did i say, love it!?!?!
-redecorating room=can you believe it is still not done????
-youth group=they're making me a leader. i love it! it's fantastic.
-music lessons=first one this thursday. yay!i'll tell you how it goes
-saving $=all payment from redrobin-tithe goes to my new computer savings account.
-reading=Sophie Kinsella. she is my favorite author. a mastermind. fantastic.
-showering?=not since last time i posted like a week ago. really need to do that.
-new snake necklace=my new staple..i'll post you a picture.
-new favorite line from a song= [from glitter in the air by pink]
"There you are, sitting in the garden
Clutching my coffee,
Calling me sugar"

i miss you so much!!!!
and i love you with all my heart.
i promise to be more faithful with this. really.
funny...any time i realize i haven't posted in a while i also realize that i haven't been journaling.
it's as if it goes hand in hand. what in the world?


1 comment:

  1. Btw: Lolly has been obsessed with the frame you got me that sits at the computer. The one with all the pictures of each intern. She stands and talks to you. So, to ease your fears, she hasn't forgotten you.
