Friday, June 18, 2010

Dear Amanda,

This is true, no one else has a blog dedicated to them. that must make you feel pretty darn special. :)

and...i am very happy that your love is not conditional. believe it or not, i was extremely worried about it. i think it is because i value your friendship so much that it was the one thing i was not willing to lose.

OMG i don't think i told you this. So, the other day when i was working int he silver store this black girl and this older american man came in and they were speaking spanish, and he was calling her babe and all this stuff and it was so weird, because i felt like i instantaneously knew that she was from the dominican republic.. so i asked where they were from.. and surprise, surprise, i was right... and he i guess had met her online, and i totally got the chills, becuase i had just been thinking about the DR the other day. and seriously, i cannot wait to go there. i can't wait to go to Costa Rica and take language school. i can't wait to train with Ladawn.

those are my random thoughts.
i should get ready for work.
[i am wearing the EXACT same outfit that i have been wearing for the last few days.]

love you.

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