Friday, June 4, 2010

Dear Amanda,

I am still stuck on the idea that you need to start a mom blog. Honestly, you could have the coolest blog ever. But, i am okay with beginning with a journal :)

Seriously, it is something that i believe in. Someday in the future i will be so happy with my young self because i documented so much. really. you may make jokes now, but when i am 80 and they use my journals to make a book about my life and i make millions of dollars and they erect a statue in my honor..i will be the one laughing. haha

sooo...i'm not quite sure whether i just agreed to go on a date with this guy i know tha i'm not necessarily attracted to, but is really nice???? hahhahahahhahah. oops.
we'll see how that goes.

we just watched the Blindside with my family and it really amazes me how Sandra Bullock reminds me exactly of Rene Hall and jawella. simply extraordinary.

So guess what?!
I'm going to open my first savings account tomorrow!
I'm very excited about the whole thing.

you want to hear the most ridiculous thing EVER!?!?
my little sister is the biggest pain when it comes to freaking buying shoes for her graduation. we were in payless for 2 HOURS!! and, there was definitely a point where she just sat down and started crying because none of the heels or flats were as "comfortable" as her sneakers.

sooo ridiculous.

ummm, ok, i really feel like i am getting myself roped into a date right now...
AHHHHHHHH... umm.. he's a really nice guy.. maybe i'm assuming its something it isn't.

i g2g. i'll let you know what's going on. when i figure it out.

love you!!

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