Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dear Amanda,

So today i hung out with one of my really close friends. i've been best friends with her since idk, my sophomore year of hs?? her name is Bailee.

she leaves for Africa next thursday and i am super jealous. I'm so excited for her. but it is just crazy for me how i've had this dream for africa for years and it seems like all of my friends have gotten to go besides me. So i told her to get me a token of Africa to bring home to me :)
God has been providing for things in amazing external hardrive for my computer which has all of my files and pictures and music just crashed and i have to buy a new one, but i couldn't afford to put gas in my car and buy all the birthday stuff for my mom that my dad can't afford.. and buy a new external hardrive..and one of my friends texted me this morning adn weas just like, i really feel like God wants me to buy you an external hardrive! how crazy is that? God is so good.

random sidenote...i've been tithing, like really tithing for the first time in my life, and it's so hard.. but i've really seen God come through! it's really amazing.

And, i just stole a ton of music from my friend.. so i got like 50 glee songs!!!!!!
i'm soooo excited. and some comedic eddie izzard, who may or may not be a brittish transvestite comedian. i have no idea wether he is funny or not. we'll see. i'll let you know what i think.
well, i have to wake up early in the morning because i'm taking my mom out to the corner bakery for breakfast! llove it~!

ps..i think my staph is coming back..i have like 2 1/2 sores on my face...
i'm kinda worried about it.

i love you!!!

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