Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dear Amanda,

So today, i spent 5 hours driving. First, 2 hours on the way to Oakdale at 6 am this morning. Then, slightly more than 2 coming back from Oakdale, because of course it was the 5 north we were supposed to get onto, not the south. Anyways, after getting extremely lost and even my GPS being confused as to where we were on the map, we finally found our way to the local TJ Maxx [in walnut creek] and i couldn't even enjoy the fact that i was at my favorite store in the world besides Homegoods and TJ Maxx combined, because everyone was like, omg, where are we? anyways. so then we went to Sacramento for a choir concert that Jaclyn used to be in, so tack in another 2 hours [one there, one back] and there's your rough estimate of why i pretty much ended today with my butt glued to the carpet seat of Sam's car.

it was a blast though. we played our music way too loud, and did our best to get Maria all hyphie. which.. we totally succeeded at. YES! haha.

Today was a really hard day in the missing Amanda department.

ilove you.

the girl just a street away.

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