Monday, March 29, 2010

Dear Amanda,

So i haven't written on this thing in a very long time. Actually I haven't blogged at all for a good week.
I want to let you know how much i feel like i am a 12 year old who keeps getting in trouble for putting on lip gloss when she's not allowed to.
yesterday, we got in trouble for forgetting to put back the chairs after offramp,
and then today we got in trouble and everyone has to re-run the run that we did this morning because we didn't try hard enough which really PISSES me off because i ran as freaking hard as i could.. i didn't walk.. but just because i was slower than i was last week i have to run an entire freaking 5k AGAIN. i seriously could kill PG.
I'm so frustrated. that makes me want to never even try because if they are going to assume that i have just given up just because my time is a little slower, then what's the point?!?!? i feel like i'm being judged because my physical capabilities are not as good as say maria or anyone else.

whatever. and, ps, i am really annoyed at some of the people in this room.

love you.
fun life is so soon! 2 DAYS!!!!!

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