Monday, March 8, 2010

Dear Amanda,

today, I saw a shirt i thought you would appreciate. it said "awesome ends with ME"
I chuckled.
Actually, I woke up this morning feeling like c-r-a-p. My cough is getting worse, and after running in American Canyon i totally felt like throwing up... and when I don't feel good- I don't have the best attitude in the world, so you can imagine how this morning has gone. But then, when we went to tutoring and I was trying not to cough my lungs out, I decided it might not be the best idea in the world to contaminate a bunch of little kids. So I sat in the car and napped.. which was the best idea in the world... because now I feel much better, I'm not coughing as much and my attitude has taken a turn upwards :)

btw... Zac says "what's kickin yo?"

i say..... "strange."

love you.

the girl just a street away.

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