Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dear Amanda,

Only one more week of forced separation.
Did you realize that Manny said that people would get to go over and help out once a week and it only happened once? Haha, oh well. Whatever.
So I'm trying to think about what has happened that I haven't talked to you about. Seriously, this week has been crazy.
let's see, today is thursday... oh yea, yesterday our service went really good! the spoken word, idk, every time i listen to it to my little critical ears it gets worse and worse.

soooo, I've christened today as favorites day... because i think i just found my new favorite song which is hilarious. its by Francesca Battistelli or whatever, called "my paper heart" haha, let me explain why i love this song. it sounds like something a girl would be singing on Broadway whilst dancing down the aisles and throwing paper hearts into the audience..and then everyone on stage joins in... yep.

oh yes, and i had my first pumello yesterday, which i was told was just a really large grapefruit. unfortunately the skin was like an inch thick, and i'm pretty sure if i had just gotten a normal grapefruit then life would have been just as good. haha.
sooo sad.
it's all good though, because that's one more fruit in the world that i have tried :)

ps... i don't like drinking water because i literally have to go to the bathroom ALLLL the time.
i went like 10 times yesterday.

love you.


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