Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dear Amanda,

Hi friend! i feel like i haven't posted on this thing in ages... or maybe just a couple days. I vaguely remember being about ready to post something on here about how fate is so cruel that i was sick on the day that i had completely arranged to be able to see you when you randomly showed up with your family to the church :) haha. That really made me laugh: so absolutely random. So, today, the big story is, omg, so we were all at the point Reyes lighthouse.. you know the one that is the farthest out peninsula on the California coast and all that jazz? We were all down there.. down the 800 bajillion steps it seems it took to get there.. and then danielle was like, "look, on the other side of this gate, there's sea glass, and i really want to get them.. so, i hopped the fence, [which looks out over a cliff over the ocean btw] and got the sea glass just in time for some park ranger to yell "HEY! What do you think you're doing? Don't you know how dangerous that is? And you would do that in front of children?! No one is going to save you if you fall!!!!"
and i laughed, hopped the fence back, and handed danielle her seaglass.

those were the events for the day.
love you.

the girl just a street away... [Who turns 19 tomorrow!!!]

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