Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dear Amanda,

i have to write this thing called a "written word" which is like a God version of slam poetry.. the kind that they have clubs for and they just quote poetry all night long?
Anywho, so on wednesday i was informed that i have to write one by monday. and who was busy the ENTIRE time from wednesday til now and is currently exhausted? oh! ME!
and sarah's jumping down my you MUST have this done by 1... and i told her that it was impossible for me to write anything good by then.. especially being exhausted: it's all just going to come out jumbled..and i have absolutely no confidence in my ability to write poetry. i've never done it before... so how in the world am i supposed to come up with something good enough to perform in front of a group of people by the end of today?


1 comment:

  1. I just don't even know. I can't help with that. However, I'm pretty sure I can help with your checklist for Napa.
