Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dear Amanda,

Hello! Long time no talk. So, yesterday night was an absolute blast. I hid in my room for most of the night. Then, I went to target and bought the movie He's Just Not That Into You. .. have you seen that yet? soo good. i loved it. and i got the world's cutest thank you cards...seriously I'm so excited about them.
So the random thing that i realized today is that I'm going to have to buy myself a new towel. Why you may ask? well, the world's cutest towel that i own.. [it's black and white with both sides switching polka dots] every time i use it it covers me with black fuzz.. which is both annoying and slightly awkward. haha.
So in the box that my dad sent me for my birthday were all these random little games that you play when you're super bored [perfect for me, right!?] So i now have a miniature bowling set that i busted out today and then a little thing of playdough,and also a mini touch screen scrabble game! such a blast.
SOOOO tomorrow is another holiday! Saint Patrick's Day! i have no idea what i'm going to wear but i just know that it will be ridiculously infused with green. umm speaking of holidays...someone sent me a rabbit ear headband? i wonder what makes them think i will wear that. huh.
Anywho. So i was looking at the calendar and i realized that tomorrow we are pretty much halfway through march!!! yay. and, oh have you checked that website that us interns aren't supposed to know about? they finally updated it for the first time since January. and they finally told us when Glory Week is: April 12-18. yay. i honestly think that we are all going to murder each other that week. if a lot of us already aren't getting along really just spending 6am-5pm together, imagine 24/7. oh well. it will be an adventure. i like adventures. however, I'm not 100% excited about the ropes course. we'll see how that goes.

PS... totally craving lemon bars. I can't wait.

15 days.

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