Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dear Amanda,

Today, I had a wonderful dark cherry soy mocha compliments of Starbucks. It was awesome... once you register a card then they send you this free drink postcard. and the best part about it is that i hadn't received the card until later on in the day after i had gone to Starbucks and already gotten a free drink :) hehehee. that's right. it's called working the system. So today isn't too exciting.. we have a couple classes, unfortunately we now have not only a tuesday night class but also a thursday night class[at least they are not taught by the same person] Oh yea. and we just found out that we're getting consequences for slacking. I've gotten into "trouble" more times this year than i think i have since like freshman year. crazy.
So i'm having trouble with my external hard drive which is extremely annoying because it has all of my music and pictures and documents on it... i kind of want to chuck the expensive non-working thing across the room. but i know that i can't.
oh well. This is when i wish i had a job.. so i could replenish my warranty on things and have other people fix it instead of just tampering with it for hours and getting absolutely nothing accomplished. This would be my life.

love you!


  1. Have I mentioned that I love getting caught up on Dorri life via our blog? It's fun for me and brightens my day. So, thanks. I love you, Dorri Mang!
